Thursday, 15 July 2010

Whiteboard Setups

We present the first in an occasional series called 'Whiteboard Setups' - a snappy little title for a slightly nerdy focus on classroom setups that have caught our eye.

Maybe like me you have a love/hate relationship with the interactive whiteboard (more on that in another post to come) but some setups are better than others.

The first one is a neat little setup with some steps, to compensate for the board being fixed a little too high on the wall for the children.

Setup number 2 is a whiteboard in an ICT suite. Very nice but sadly not working when I needed to use it because the bulb had blown! The replacement bulb had been promised to arrive 'today' after being promised to arrive yesterday after being promised to arrive the day before...etc etc. Ho hum...

Finally setup number 3. Plasma screens are good aren't they? No shadows and clear, backlit images. However, sadly this one hadn't been used for a little while, as can be seen. Not everyone loves their whiteboard.

What's your setup like? Is it good? Is it bad? Is it working? Post a comment or drop us a line here.

Coming soon...
I Love Whiteboards / I Hate Whiteboards


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