Monday, 28 June 2010

Lugo... Learning all the time

Pelmanism. It's a great educational card game, also known as 'Matching Pairs'. A simple game but great for challenging children's memory and cognitive skills. It's the game with a set of cards placed face down on a table with players taking it in turns to turn over 2 cards to find matches.

We devised our own version of this old favourite. What could be simpler, we thought? A simple card game transferred to the whiteboard. But we soon found that we needed to add other features when, during the development of Bim! Bam! Boogaloo!, we spent some time trialling the activity in special schools. We soon realised that, for some children, just finding a matching pair from cards when face up was a tricky task.
So we added an option to the Matching Pairs game to have all the cards face up at the start of the game. This simple change opened up the activity to a much wider range of abilities and to alternative ways of using the software.

Then, when we added the option of using your own photos in the activity that opened up even more possibilities and Bim! Bam! Boogaloo! grew from there.

It just goes to show that no matter how long we've been doing something, we can always learn something new!

Click here to try out the Matching Pairs activity for free now.

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